Language Dynamics Group is committed to developing, validating, and disseminating empirically supported assessment and intervention materials and procedures for use with diverse children. We believe that all children, regardless of cultural and linguistic diversity or disability, have the right to effective instruction.
After completing our dissertations in 2009, my colleague, Doug Petersen, and I discovered that many practitioners wanted to use the tools we developed through our research. Olivia Petersen (Doug’s wife) donated her graphic design talents to make our tools beautiful and polished, but we needed a way to share them broadly. Eventually, we established an LLC and developed a website to be able to give the first generation of the CUBED and Story Champs away for free. Quickly, it became obvious that the demand was greater than the three of us could manage “on the side”. Eventually, Roger Steeve joined our ownership team and gave the company the financial stability it needed to expand. In recent years, Mike Petersen (Doug’s brother…don’t worry, I can handle all these Petersens) has taken charge of managing the business and executing our dissemination model. Because Doug and I are devoted researchers and former educators/clinicians, we make sure that our evidence-based practice values are represented in the products LDG disseminates…and that nothing is disseminated without proper scrutiny and research to indicate it will be effective. We continue to offer our tools for free (if possible) or close to cost since we know the schools that need our tools the most are under resourced. We love collaborating with practitioners so that we can stay current on what the needs of the field are and so we can spend less on research. Language Dynamics Group may not be Pearson or McGraw Hill, but we are a talented, collaborative, and committed team who sincerely wants to equip educators with assessments and interventions they need to ensure all students are successful in school.