With funding from the Institute of Education Sciences (IES) to Howard Goldstein and University of South Florida, Howard and I have been revising the PAth to Literacy curriculum (and creating professional development modules on MTSS). The revisions include a strategic instructive feedback approach to teaching letter names and letter sounds, a Tier 3 Letter Sounds Intervention, a streamlined scope and sequence with extensive built-in differentiation for phonological awareness skills, and embedded progress monitoring and data decisions. When the research is complete, we expect to have a curriculum that is extremely easy to use, efficient, and powerful. Our aim is to have all children ready to read in kindergarten by mastering their letter sounds and phoneme blending and segmenting. The new tools will be part of the MILLIE (Multitiered Interventions for Language & Literacy in Early Childhood) suite too! Until this project is finished, here are some temporary links to handouts and MTSS resources.
Letter Sounds Data Sheet
Alphabet Knowledge and Phonological Awareness Handout
MTSS EC Curriculum Quick Audit
MTSS EC Assessment Flowchart
MTSS EC Assessments
MTSS EC Assessment Checklist
Grade Level Team Sample Meeting Agenda
School Support Team Sample Meeting Agenda
Student Support Team Sample Meeting Agenda