Puente de Cuentos

Puente de Cuentos (Bridge Made of Stories) Puente de Cuentos was developed through funding from the Institute of Educational Sciences (IES). My colleagues on this project were Doug Petersen, Laida Restrepo, Marilyn Thompson, and Meghan Moran.

Puente de Cuentos is full year, multi-tiered, academic language curriculum designed for use with preschoolers whose home language is Spanish. It is a Story Champs program, in that storytelling is the basis for practicing complex language and learning new vocabulary words—first in Spanish and then in English using a quick transfer procedure. Puente de Cuentos includes 72 large group English lessons with extensions for child-directed activities and storybook reading. For small group (or Tier 2), lessons are in Spanish (72) and English (72). Lessons can be used with individuals to form a Tier 3 intervention and Spanish Family Engagement Activities align with each lesson.

Puente de Cuentos has not yet been published. When it is ready, it will be available through LanguageDynamicsGroup.com.

We have completed four studies examining the feasibility and efficacy of Puente de Cuentos

What is it and what does it do?


More information about Story Champs

The developers of Story Champs have completed more than 25 experimental studies, examining its effect with children in preschool to third grade, typically development students to students with autism, and to address narrative language, informational discourse, grammar, vocabulary, writing, and reading comprehension.