Assessment of Story Comprehension (ASC)

Reliable listening comprehension assessment for preschoolers

Health Promotion Curriculum Checklist Health Promotion Curriculum Checklist

Strong listening comprehension during shared storybook reading is a foundational skill—and an indicator that children are ready for the language demands of kindergarten. With the ASC (pronounced “ask”), pre-K programs can now measure the story comprehension of children ages 3-5, identify children who may need language intervention, monitor progress, and determine when comprehension has meaningfully improved. Sensitive to even small gains that young learners make as the school year progress, the ASC-with its 3-minute administration time—is the quick, reliable check programs need to assess comprehension.

Highly valid and reliable, the ASC is the key to assessing and improving an essential building block of reading success and school readiness. Use it on its own as a fast, efficient check—or in tandem with other products in the MILLIE™ (Multitiered Interventions for Language & Literacy in Early Childhood) family.